507 645 2403

In Case of an Accident

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Your friends at Northfield Auto Body understand that getting in a car accident can be a stressful situation. In these situations it may be easy to forget to gather important information. Follow these steps when involved in an accident. (Compiled by the National Safety Council)

  • Stay calm.
  • Stop your vehicle if it is clear, safe and legal.
  • Move the vehicle out of the traveled roadway, if it is clear, safe and legal.
  • Turn off the ignitions of the cars involved.
  • Make a first aid check of all persons involved in the accident.
  • Call the police and, if necessary, emergency medical services, immediately.
  • Gather the names of all persons in the motor vehicles and people who witnessed the accident.
  • Make a quick diagram of where the vehicle occupants were seated and indicate the vehicles’ direction of travel and lane. Also note the date, time and weather conditions.
  • Take photos of the damage (if possible).
  • Ask to see the other driver’s license and write down the number.
  • Exchange insurance company information. DO NOT discuss “fault” or make statements about the accident to anyone but the police. (maybe not)
  • Get a copy of the police report of the accident from the local precinct.

After the accident, it is important to do the following:

Report the accident to your insurance company. Give them all information you’ve gathered on the Accident Report Form and the police report. 
Make a claim with your insurance company and/or the other parties
Call Northfield Auto Body to set up a time to drop off your vehicle for repair. Remember: No law requires you to get more than one estimate. You are not obligated to use any particular shop to obtain repairs. YOU choose the shop and authorize the repairs.


No law requires you to get more than one estimate. You are not obligated to use any particular shop to obtain repairs. YOU choose the shop and authorize the repairs.

Northfield Auto Body has highly trained professionals that can assist you with any question, concern and/or need throughout any of the processes involved in a car accident and getting repairs to your vehicle. From getting a tow, rental car, insurance inquiries, repairs, and just support, we are here for you.

We look forward to working with you.

Northfield Auto Body
1802 Cannon Road
Northfield, MN 55057
507-645-2439 (fax)

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